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Northumberland Country Services

Forestry, Fencing & Land Management Services

07745 288460

Woodland Establishment & Management

Woodland Establishment & Management

Northumberland Country Services has a vast amount of experience in the professional management of estate and farm woodlands throughout the North of England. We aim to take a holistic approach when managing your woodland including design, establishment and maintenance to the highest standard at the most competitive price we can.

At Northumberland Country Services we offer a comprehensive planting service for all landowners and farmers covering woodland, hedges and parkland areas. Services range from on site advice for farm and estate staff through to a complete planting and woodland establishment plan by our own experienced planting teams.

After planting, the trees will need protection from vermin browsing. Individual tree shelters usually offer the best protection against rabbits and hares. Where deer are a problem, particularly the larger species, fencing may be a more practical and economical option than individual guarding. Each site has different merits and Northumberland Country Services can assist by tailoring the option most suitable for your particular situation.

Regular weeding of new woodlands for the first three years is essential to achieve acceptable establishment and maximising growth rates. We offer a comprehensive weed control service, matching appropriate chemicals to target specific weeds and take account of particular situations. Replacement of losses each year is essential to maintain viable stocking rates and is a requirement of the Woodland Grant Scheme, thus producing healthy diverse woodland in the future.NCS can arrange planting and weeding of all replacements.

We also specialise in the professional management and maintenance of traditional hedgerows using high quality plants incorporating traditional hedgerow trees as appropriate, to provide landscape features with vast ecological and habitat benefits.

Felling trees, strimming and scrub cutting as part of the management of a wood is a sustainable activity and in most cases, assists in keeping the woodland healthy whilst improving habitat diversity.

Northumberland Country Services provide a comprehensive woodland establishment and management service to all clients, all our work is risk assessed and completed to best industry practices.

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"NCS eradicated my mole problem very quickly, a very efficient and friendly service."

John C, Rothbury

"So pleased you were able to erect my garden fence so promptly at a reasonable price. Andy was so friendly and was also able to offer me advice on my garden."

Sheila T, Morpeth
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